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Arrival of immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1947.

Arrival of immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1947.

Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 695A.

Arrival of immigrants in Buenos Aires. June 29, 1947.

Arrival of immigrants in Buenos Aires. June 29, 1947.

Staff of the Migration Service of Argentina assist immigrants in locating their luggage. Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 694A.

Departure for Patagonia. June 28, 1947.

Departure for Patagonia. June 28, 1947.

Departure of Italian immigrants from Buenos Aires for the Rio Negro province, in Patagonia, Argentina. Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 172907A.

Inauguration of shoe store in São Paulo during the 1950s

Inauguration of shoe store in São Paulo during the 1950s

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Arrival of Italian immigrants in Buenos Aires. April 13, 1954.

Arrival of Italian immigrants in Buenos Aires. April 13, 1954.

A group of Italian immigrants, on board the Argentine flag ship Santa Fe, have just arrived in Buenos Aires coming from Genova. Some of them were invited by their relatives in Argentina and others, specialized in horticulture, were selected to work at the Pilot farm school Santa Catalina, in the locality of Lavallol, in the province of Buenos Aires.

Arrival of Hungarian refugees in Buenos Aires. February 1, 1957.

Arrival of Hungarian refugees in Buenos Aires. February 1, 1957.

A group of Hungarian refugees, on board the Argentine flag ship Santa Fe, have just arrived in Buenos Aires. 237 Hungarian refugees were transferred to Argentina through the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in 1957. Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 227196A.

Petros Papathanassiadis during the construction of Brasília 1959

Petros Papathanassiadis during the construction of Brasília 1959

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Ioannis Masmanidis, São Paulo 1962

Ioannis Masmanidis, São Paulo 1962

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Arrival in Buenos Aires

Arrival in Buenos Aires

Arrival in Buenos Aires, on board of the Argentine flag ship Santa Fe. Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 176942A.

Immigrant women. Argentina.

Immigrant women. Argentina.

Immigrant women. Argentina. Source: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Argentina. Code: 334882A.

Certificate of good conduct for Maria Roussos

Certificate of good conduct for Maria Roussos

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

IRO certificate for George Stavridis, apatrid ethnic Greek refugee from Romania

IRO certificate for George Stavridis, apatrid ethnic Greek refugee from Romania

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Paris Aravazoglou (left) at the construction of a sugarcane mill in Fazenda Amália

Paris Aravazoglou (left) at the construction of a sugarcane mill in Fazenda Amália

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Greek street vendors selling indigenous artifacts at the inauguration of Brasília

Greek street vendors selling indigenous artifacts at the inauguration of Brasília

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Ioannis Samaras (left), Sotiris Yiosmas (center), Nikolaos Mimikos (right) in Brasília

Ioannis Samaras (left), Sotiris Yiosmas (center), Nikolaos Mimikos (right) in Brasília

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Celebration of the seamstress’ day in 287 Aimores street, Bom Retiro, São Paulo

Celebration of the seamstress’ day in 287 Aimores street, Bom Retiro, São Paulo

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.

Maria Anastassiadis in Uba, Minas Gerais

Maria Anastassiadis in Uba, Minas Gerais

We thank Vassiliki Thomas Constantinidou for permitting us to republish the photos from her book, Os Guardiões das Lembranças, São Paulo, 2009.