The project located, collected and assessed a variety of archival and documentary repositories containing material relevant to migration and development policies in Greece, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil from the end of WWII until 1960. The research team examined documents and materials produced by the government agencies of the above-mentioned countries as well as PICMME-ICEM, including statistical data, agreements between member-states, internal and external correspondence, reports and proceedings, newsletters, journals and publications, the minutes of meetings and visual objects such as photographs or film footage. It traced the government and international policies drawing on news releases, memos and journal publications for instance. To complete our process of methodological triangulation we examined: a. repositories kept in state archives, including migration legislation, reports and correspondence; b. documents produced by related international organizations or NGOs such as the IRO and the World Council of Churches; and, c. personal documents denoting the testimonials of officials and written or oral testimonies of migrants.
The project exercised an extensive archival research in ten archival Authorities located in the three countries of interest:
a. Archival research in Greece (1945-1960): As one of the main sending countries in the post-war period Greece provides an interesting case to study.
a.Research was undertaken in the:
i. Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive (YPEX)
ii. Greek National Archives
iii. IOM headquarters in Athens.
b. Archival research in Argentina (1945-1960):
i. Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto - AMREC)
Section of International Treaties (División de tratados)
Section of Consular Affairs (División de Asuntos Consulares). Records partially classified.
Section: Embassies and Consulates (División: Embajadas y Consulados). Records partially classified.
Section : Occidental Europe (División : Europa Occidental). It covers the period until 1962.
ii. General National Archive (Archivo General de la Nación - AGN)
Central Archive: Records: “Asuntos Técnicos”.
Intermediate Archive (Archivo Intermedio): Records: “Ministerio del Interior. Secretos, Confidenciales y Reservados, 1932-1983”.
iii. National Direction of Migration (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones)
c. Archival research in Brasil (1945-1960):
Research in Brazil was focused in locating sources about federal government and state development, migration policies and in the regions that received migrants during the Post-war period. Specifically, research was undertaken in the:
i. Brazilian Foreign Ministry Archive (Itamaraty) in Rio de Janeiro and Brasília
ii. Goias State Archive
iii. São Paulo State Archive
iv. Paraná State Archive.